There are some vehicles, especially in the form of classic rarest cars which have become highly sought after by some of the richest collectors in the world who spend days, months, if not years hunting for certain models of cars.
Below is a list of Rarest Cars You’ve Probably Never Heard Of.
Rolls-Royce 15 HP
The Rolls-Royce 15 HP is certainly the most rarest car in the world seeing that it was The first car, model to have been produced by Charles Rolls and Hendry Royce and which obviously have been the launcher of the success of the brand of which they are proud to have today.

1921 Helica De Leyat
The fact is, being manufactured in the 1920’s, Very early 20’s, and this is definitely one of the oldest and rarest cars in the world. Only 30 were made. Being manufactured by a French Automobile company, it has been dubbed as the “plane without wings” seeing that the large rotor blade in front made it appear so as well as a passenger who sat behind the driver like in the planes of those days were.
